Cacao Ceremony

The ceremonial-grade cacao, called the drink of the gods, is an elixir of well-being, full of rich nutrients, vitality, and the wisdom of nature.

The mind calms, and the heart opens.

Welcome to experience the transformative magic of cacao ceremony, meditation, music and heart sharing.

Let´s co-create

Cacao ceremony can be carfted to create an unforgettable experience of loving and healing connection, for a retreat, festival, wedding or birthday.

Contact me to plan a perfect ceremony together:

Email | Phone: 0400 620 365

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao opens a gentle yet powerful space for deep presence, meditation, mental clarity, creativity, and bliss.

In a Cacao Ceremony we gather in a loving circle. In a circle everyone is equally seen and heard. 

The ceremony is always created in the moment, together, honoring the teachings I have received from wisdom keepers of Cacao in Guatemala and Mexico.

 The experience often transcends ordinary mental states, helping to open you to your own truth and the magic of life.

Together with loving power of cacao, meditation and music, we can liberate any emotions that no longer serve us and call in what is wished into our lives. 

We open up our hearts and voices singing with the ancient rhythm of medicine drum, giving thanks for our lives, opening up our heart and body inviting new visions and joy.

In a cacao ceremony you might hear ancient songs from Finland's forests, Icaros from the Amazon, mantras from the mountains of India, and repetitive heart opening songs in Finnish, Spanish, and English.

Cacao ceremony takes us to a journey of authentic connection with the nature, helping us to find our truth, inner power and joy of life. 

Welcome to an empowering, relaxing journey into the flow state of being, opening the natural, flow of your breath, voice, movement and vitality.

The Medicine of Heart

Cacao contains theobromine, which increases blood flow and creates a heart-opening sensation. Cacao helps you to feel filled with love, connected to yourself, others, and nature.

Energy, Focus & Creativity
Theobromine naturally boosts energy levels, helping with concentration and sparking creativity. Drinking cacao enhances meditation, allowing us to hear the wisdom of our own heart and spirit.

Natural Antidepressant
Cacao stimulates serotonin production, a brain chemical that boosts positivity. It also enhances the release of dopamine and endorphins, which help alleviate grief and depression.

Stress Relief
Cacao reduces emotional stress, working on a hormonal level to help us be present in the moment with our bodies.

Cacao is packed with antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium— nutrients that support overall and cardiovascular health.

Natural Bliss
Cacao triggers the release of bliss molecules—dopamine, anandamide, and endorphins—fostering self-love, forgiveness, ecstasy, and connection.

If you are pregnant or taking antidepressant medication, consume cacao in small doses only.

Offered ByKiia

Kiia has been sharing the healing power of cacao and music in ceremonies around the world for years.

Kiia has spent years traveling, exploring the keys to a healthy, happy, and meaningful life through the lens of modern science and ancient wisdom. 

With a background in social psychology and mindfulness & meditation facilitation, she has studied the traditions of plant medicine and cacao in Guatemala, Peru, and Mexico, living and learning with wisdom keepers of different cultures.

Kiia’s gentle yet powerful way of holding space arises always in the moment feeling the energies of the circle and the moment

She receives inspiration from Cacao, the cycles of moon and the four seasons. She brings with her the energy of the forests of Finland, mountains of India, jungles of Amazon and Moon dance in Mexico, that all hold a special place in her heart and songs.

From her travels she has found a collection of special instruments, including Native American flutes, African harp and Crystal singing bowls.

Kiia’s mission is to support others in releasing past burdens and mental limitations, finding the healing flow of their own being, movement, voice, and expression.

About Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial Cacao is the best quality Cacao that exists, produced organically with care and intention from cultivation process to the cup.

When Cacao fruit is traditionally harvested from the trees it is opened up to be fermenented in the liquid of the fruit itself. 

After fermentation process the seeds are dried and then toasted on low heat. The whole seeds are peeled and ground with a little bit of heat until they form a delicious mass which is made into a block of 100 % organic Cacao with love.

My Story with Cacao

To love ourselves we first have to meet ourselves. 

First Cacao Ceremony I participated changed my life. It was in the jungles of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where I first had the chance to drink this elixir of life. 

When I drank my first cup of ceremonial Cacao it felt like I started awakening from another layer of sleep. All my senses came alive as I started to arrive here and now with all of my body. I came down from my constantly thinking mind back to my heart feeling and allowing myself to dance like no one was watching.

I was sure that someone had put something else in that cup of Cacao! As I started my journey with this heart medicine I came to see that there is no need to. Cacao is a powerful medicine for all. I felt there was some magic in the air and I decided I had to find out what was it all about.

Later on I did my master thesis about Mindfulness Meditation and travelled to India to learn more about the spiritual aspects of meditation where this practice was born thousands of years ago. In Goa I was invited to help to cook Cacao and sing to this medicine in a Cacao Circle. I received my first ever pack of ceremonial Cacao and made a ceremony with my friends.

Cacao called me to travel back to her roots in Guatemala and Mexico. I wanted to learn all about this magical medicine and how it is traditionally prepared from tree to cup. I wanted to learn how to serve this loving medicine and be blessed to do that with traditional wisdom keepers. 

I ended up living with a guardian of Mayan altars and cacao in Guatemala, preparing and sharing cacao, meditation and songs in his traditional fire ceremonies. I connected with the traditional cosmovision, calendar and ways of ceremony with him

During my times in Guatemala and Mexico I had the opportunity to participate ceremonies with amazing medicine women who shared a lot about this medicine and inspired me with their ways of holding a ceremony. 

In Mexico I recieved an invitation to join a circle of Moon Dance learning a lot from the amazing grandmothers who have walked this path of healing and connecting for many years, with elements and medicines of cacao, copal, dance, singing, sweat lodge and sacred pipe.

I feel infinite gratitude for all the people who have inspired me on this journey and towards all the keepers on acient wisdom that reminds us where we come from.

Our bodies have a tremendous capacity to heal and transform, just like our minds. All we need is to create a space to connect and tune into the healing of our body, mind and heart. Cacao holds incredible wisdom in her essence and can truly show us the way of our heart. 

!Ahau Ix Cacao!

 Maltiox, Tlazocamati Ometeotl
