
Mayojen jumalten juomaksi kutsuma seremonialaatuinen kaakao on hyvän olon eliksiiri, täynnä rikkaita ravintoaineita, elinvoimaa ja luonnon viisautta.

Mieli rauhoittuu ja sydän avautuu.

Tervetuloa kokemaan kaakaoseremonian taika.

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Tutustu lisää alla:


Kaakao avaa lempeän voimakkaasti syvää läsnäoloa, meditatiivista tilaa, mielen selkeyttä, luovuutta ja nautintoa.

Kaakaon, maailman musiikin ja yhteislaulun rakastavat harmoniat johdattavat matkalle, jonka aikana vanhoja tunteita ja jumeja voi vapautua sekä uusia visioita, parannusta ja ymmärrystä avautua.

Seremonia syntyy aina hetkessä, yhdessä. Kokemus ylittää usein mielen arkikokemuksen ja auttaa avautumaan omalle totuudelle ja elämän taialle.

Luvassa on voimauttavan rentouttava matka yhteyteen sekä oman äänen ja elämän voiman virtaan tunnelmallisessa piirissä.

Sinun ei tarvitse "osata" laulaa tietyllä tavalla, vaan tämä on hetki avata yhteyttä oman hengityksen, äänen ja liikkeen luonnollisen parantavaan virtaan.

 Kun hengitys, liike ja ääni virtaavat vapaasti hermosto rentoutuu, ja sisältä avautuu syvä rauha ja hyvä olo.

Voit myös aina vain olla ja kuunnella. Tämä on hetki sinua varten.

 Luvassa on sydämestä syntyneitä ja sitä avanneita lauluja ympäri maailmaa, joita yhdistää tunne rakkaudesta ja kiitollisuudesta luontoa ja elämää kohtaan:

Mukana mm. sanatonta äänien harmoniaa, muinaisia lauluja Suomen metsistä, Icaroita Amazonilta, mantroja Intian vuorilta sekä toistolauluja suomeksi, espanjaksi ja englanniksi.

Sydämen Lääke

Voimakkain kokemus kaakaosta tulee juuri seremoniassa yhdessä nautittuna.

HUOM: Jos käytät ssri lääkitystä tai olet raskaana, on suositeltavaa juoda vain puolikas annos seremoniakaakaota.

Seremonian pitäjä Kiia

Kiia Taika on jo vuosia jakanut kaakaon, musiikin ja oman äänen parantavaa voimaa seremonioissa ympäri maailmaa. 

Kiia on matkustellut vuosia tutkien terveen, onnellisen ja merkityksellisen elämän avaimia, nykyaikaisen tieteen sekä muinaisen viisauden äärellä. Hän on taustaltaan sosiaalipsykologi sekä mindfulness & meditaatio ohjaaja.

Seremonioiden, kasvilääkkeiden ja kaakaon perinneviisautta Kiia on opiskellut Guatemalassa, Perussa ja Meksikossa asustellessaan useiden eri perinneviisauden tietäjien kanssa.

Kiian lempeän voimakas tapa pitää tilaa saa inspiraatiota he pohjoisen luonnonvoimasta, asteekkien kuutanssista ja amazonin sekä meksikon viidakoista.

Matkoilta on kertynyt instrumentteja natiiviamerikkalaisista huiluista afrikkalaiseen harppuun ja himalajan perinteisiin pohjautuviin äänimaljoihin.

Kiian missiona on tukea kanssakulkijoita vapautumaan menneistä taakoista sekä mielen rajoitteista ja sallimaan oman itsensä, liikkeensä, äänensä ja ilmaisunsa parantava virta.

Tutustu lisää Kiiaan ja hänen palveluihin.

Lisätietoja englanninkieliseltä sivultani:

What is Ceremonial Cacao?

Ceremonial Cacao is the best quality Cacao that exists, produced organically with care and intention from cultivation process to the cup. I have been learning from the traditions of Cacao in Guatemala and Mexico so my ways of working with Cacao are inspired by the tradition keepers there.

When Cacao fruit is traditionally harvested from the trees it is opened up to be fermenented in the liquid of the fruit itself for 9 days. After fermentation process the seeds are dried and then toasted on low heat. The whole seeds are peeled and ground with a little bit of heat until they form a delicious mass which is made into a block of 100 % organic Cacao with love.

In my ceremonies I use Cacao that I have brought myself from Mexico, that is cultivated and processed by local family company that are keeping alive traditions of their ancestors respecting the nature.


Heart Opening Medicine

Cacao contains theobromine which significantly increases blood flow leading to heart-opening sensation. Most of people feel filled up with love, open and connected to yourself, others and nature.

Energy, Focus & Creativity

Theobromine naturally boosts our energy levels helping us to concentrate and release our creativity. Drinking Cacao heightens meditation and allows us to hear the wisdom of Mama Cacao and our own heart and spirit when we meditate.

Natural Antidepressant

Cacao increases production of serotonin, a brain chemical that helps us feel positive. It enhances release of dopamine and endorphin that are great remedies for premenstrual syndrome and depressive symptoms. 

Stress Relief

Cacao relieves emotional stress all the way to hormonal level helping us to be present here and now with all of our body.

Super Food

Cacao contains lots of antidioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium which contribute to overall and cardiovascular health.

Natural Bliss

Cacao helps our body to release bliss molecules of dopamine, anandamide and endorphin. She helps us to connect with feelings of self love, forgiveness, ecstacy and connection.


If you are pregnant or use any anti-depressive medication you should consume Cacao only in very small dosis.

Cacao Ceremony

In a Cacao Ceremony we gather in a loving circle to connect with our heart and that one heart we form together. In a circle everyone is equally seen and heard. We connect with our own essence through guided meditation and open our hearts through singing with our authentic voice. 

Every ceremony is a unique expansive and mystical experience as everyone present is creating the ceremony together. 

My ceremonial guidance arises always in the moment feeling the energies of the circle, moon and day. I receive inspiration and guidance from Mother Cacao, the cycles of the Nature and the Mayan Calendar that are always present in my ceremonies.

My Cacao Ceremonies are often combined with a fire ceremony. Fire is a powerful element that brings us together as a tribe, offering light, warmth and transformation. In the ceremony we light up the fire with intention, calling in the directions, creating a portal for connection, healing and medicine music. 

Cacao Ceremony is created in the moment but it honours the ancient traditions of those teachers who have shared their wisdom with me in Guatemala and Mexico. We offer plants, prayers, gratitude and songs to the fire, wisdom keepers and guardians of the Nature

Cacao ceremony takes us to a journey of authentic connection with the nature, helping us to find our truth, inner power and joy of life. Together we liberate any emotions that no longer serve us and call in what is wished into our lives. We open up our hearts and voices singing with the ancient rhythm of Medicine drum giving thanks for our lives, opening up our heart and body.

Through cacao, connection, music, dance and power of unconditional love, Cacao Ceremony creates a transformational celebration of this magical life.

Cacao Healing

With all of my heart I welcome you to come home into your body and heart in my personal healing session. I Welcome you to rest, release and be held in safe unconditional love with me and Mama Cacao.

 The session starts with setting an intention and drinking the heart opening medicine of Cacao to receive her guidance. I truly want to hear you, see you and support you on your journey of life. 

I will guide you into relaxed meditative state to create a healing embodied experience for your exact situation. We will utilize psychology based inquiry to clear out any patterns or limiting beliefs from your unconscious mind that might be causing you suffering.

Your body has all the capacity to heal when the blockages are removed. With loving massaging touch, cleansing plants, energetic healing and meditative guidance I help you to release any blocked emotion or pain if needed. With energetic healing and vibration of my voice I support your body to open up to the flow of healing light energy. 

My connection with Cacao is deeply inspired by my time in the Mayan lands of Guatemala and Mexico. My healing and ceremonial work is inspired by my native american teachers and their ceremonial healing work.

With Cacao Healing we dive into the flow state which is the natural state of our being. That is why so many have healed themselves simply by learning to access this flow state intentionally.

As you connect with your creative life force energy with Cacao life full of opportunitities will open up in front of you.

 I now offer healings in the area of Helsinki or in events with peaceful space. If you feel this resonating in your heart just write me and lets find a time for our Cacao Healing session together.

My Story with Cacao

To love ourselves we first have to meet ourselves. 

First Cacao Ceremony I participated changed my life. It was in the jungles of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where I first had the chance to drink this elixir of life. 

When I drank my first cup of ceremonial Cacao it felt like I started awakening from another layer of sleep. All my senses came alive as I started to arrive here and now with all of my body. I came down from my constantly thinking mind back to my heart feeling and allowing myself to dance like no one was watching.

I was sure that someone had put something else in that cup of Cacao! As I started my journey with this heart medicine I came to see that there is no need to. Cacao is a powerful medicine for all. I felt there was some magic in the air and I decided I had to find out what was it all about.

Later on I did my master thesis about Mindfulness Meditation and travelled to India to learn more about the spiritual aspects of meditation where this practice was born thousands of years ago. In Goa I was invited to help to cook Cacao and sing to this medicine in a Cacao Circle. I received my first ever pack of ceremonial Cacao and made a ceremony with my friends.

Cacao called me to travel back to her roots in Guatemala and Mexico. I wanted to learn all about this magical medicine and how it is traditionally prepared from tree to cup. I wanted to learn how to serve this loving medicine and be blessed to do that with tarditional wisdom keepers. 

I ended up living with now a great friend who is Mayan Calendar Keeper and guardian of Mayan Altars and Cacao. He taught me a lot about the process of Cacao and I had the opportunity to hold space for Mayan Cacao and Fire ceremonies with him preparing the medicine, guiding meditation and singing with my drum. Living with him for months I learned a lot about Mayan Calendar, Cosmovision, Nahuales and energetic workings of ceremonies.

During my times in Guatemala I also had the opportunity to participate Cacao and Fire ceremonies with amazing Guatemalan medicine women who shared a lot more about this medicine and inspired me with their ways of holding ceremony. My souls path finally took me to become a Moon Dancer in Mexico which is a path of becoming a medicine woman living and sharing the medicines of Cacao, Copal, Prayer, Dance, Song, Sweat Lodge and Sacred Pipe.

Our bodies have a tremendous capacity to heal and transform, just like our minds. All we need is to create a space to connect and tune into the healing of our body, mind and spirit. Cacao holds incredible wisdom in her essence and she can truly show us the way of our heart. 

!Ahau Ix Cacao!

 Matiox, Tlazocamati, Ometeotl

Thank you for all  the teachers I have had the opportunity to meet on my path and all of the wisdom keepers of Cacao, Mother Earth and Great Spirit


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