Behind Be Flow:


Holistic Wellness & Mindfulness Guide

Social Psychologist from University of Helsinki

"I used to live in a constant hurry and stress to achieve more and reach my goals, without knowing how to slow down, relax and truly enjoy the moment.

One day it just hit me. I just couldn't  get up from my bed. I thought that my pains, fatigue and symptoms were caused by a flu until doctors told me I had a burnout.

I felt anxious and alone, without a clue how to heal. That is why my passion today is to share those keys and practices that healed me to make it easier for you.

Modern Science & Ancient Wisdom

When I discovered the science proved benefits of mindfulness in my psychology research project, I started to practice daily. 

Mindfulness transformed my life and I wanted to go deeper to discover the keys of healthy, happy and meaningful life with keepers of ancient and modern wisdom.

My healing journey took me around the world to learn with global experts of holistic well-being, including doctors, monks, yogis, plant medicine and sound healers. 

I have been listening to the wisdom of silence and loving awareness in meditation, yoga retreats with monks in India and with teachers from buddhist traditions.

I have had the honor to study ancestral healing with plant medicine, dance, sound and sauna, together with ancient wisdom keepers from Finnish, Aztec, Mayan and Amazonian traditions. 

Finding the flow

All these traditions gave me invaluable gifts and the greates gift of all was to combine their essence with modern insights on psychology, emotional skills, nutrition, sound and wellness.

Combining all that I learned on my journey I discovered the simple, yet transformative power of living int the flow, the natural state of our being.

This is what truly healed me after many years of stress symtoms and anxiety. This is why my passion and mission is to share the art of living in the flow with all those who wish to live in peace, healthy, happy, connected - loving yourself and this miraculous life.

Tune into your blissful flow state

Flow is blissful because it is the life giving force itself that wants to flow free in you. 

Allow yourself to open up to the peace, vitality, healing and love available to you no matter where you are.

What is the flow?

Flow is the true nature of our being.

All life is in a constant flow and when we learn to tune into the flow state, life becomes easier, healthier and happier.

Flow is pure loving awareness, present in every moment, embodied.

Tuning back into the flow state allows our body and subconscious mind to release tension, stress, blocked emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding us back.

Your body, mind and nervous system relax

Your breath, voice and movement start flowing, opening healing vitality and pleasure.

Simple and effective.

Straight from the source.
